Well your mileage varies so to speak.

   - Spark itself is written in Scala. However, that does not imply you
   should stick with Scala.
   - I have used both for spark streaming and spark structured streaming,
   they both work fine
   - PySpark has become popular with the widespread use of iData Science
   - What matters normally is the skill set you already have in-house. The
   likelihood is that there are more Python developers than Scala developers
   and the learning curve for scala has to be taken into account
   - The idea of performance etc is tangential.
   -  With regard to the Spark code itself, there should be little efforts
   in converting from Scala to PySpark or vice-versa


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On Wed, 2 Nov 2022 at 08:54, Joris Billen <joris.bil...@bigindustries.be>

> Dear community,
> I had a general question about the use of scala VS pyspark for spark
> streaming.
> I believe spark streaming will work most efficiently when written in
> scala. I believe however that things can be implemented in pyspark. My
> question:
> 1)is it completely dumb to make a streaming job in pyspark?
> 2)what are the technical reasons that it is done best in scala (is this
> easy to understand why)?
> 3)any good links anyone has seen with numbers of the difference in
> performance and under what circumstances+explanation?
> 4)are there certain scenarios when the use of pyspark can be motivated
> (maybe when someone doesn’t feel confortable writing a job in scala and the
> number of messages/minute aren’t gigantic so performance isnt that crucial?)
> Thanks for any input!
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