You have to take each row and zip the lists, each element of the result becomes one new row.

So turn write a method that turns
  Row(List("A","B","null"), List("C","D","null"), List("E","null","null"))
  List(List("A","C","E"), List("B","D","null"), List("null","null","null"))
and use flatmap with that method.

In Scala, this would read:

df.flatMap { row => (row.getSeq[String](0), row.getSeq[String](1), row.getSeq[String](2)).zipped.toIterable }.show()


Am 14.02.23 um 22:54 schrieb sam smith:
Hello guys,

I have the following dataframe:












I want to explode it to the following dataframe:





















How to do that (preferably in Java) using the explode() method ? knowing that something like the following won't yield correct output:

for (String colName: dataset.columns())

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