I'm seeing an odd compile error when building edition 11 of RogueWave Tools on 
Solaris 10, using Sun C++ 5.1 and Apache stdcxx 4.2.1.

Here's the compile command and error:

$ CC -m64 -library=%none -I/opt/oss/stdcxx/include -D_RWCONFIG=15d -I./../../.. 
-I.. -D_RWBUILD_tls -c -errtags -mt -PIC -xldscope=hidden -g ../ansilocale.cpp

"/opt/oss/stdcxx/include/loc/_time_get.cc", line 218: Error, badbinaryop: The 
operation "RWBitVec && bool" is illegal.

"/opt/oss/stdcxx/include/loc/_locale.h", line 347:     Where, temwhileinst: 
While instantiating "std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, 
std::char_traits<char>>, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, 
std::char_traits<char>>, std::ios_base&, __rw::__rw_iostate&, std::tm*, char, 
char) const".

"/opt/oss/stdcxx/include/loc/_locale.h", line 347:     Where, teminstend: 
Instantiated from non-template code.

"/opt/oss/stdcxx/include/loc/_time_get.cc", line 350: Error, badbinaryop: The 
operation "RWBitVec && std::tm*" is illegal.

"/opt/oss/stdcxx/include/loc/_locale.h", line 347:     Where, temwhileinst: 
While instantiating "std::time_get<char, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, 
std::char_traits<char>>, std::istreambuf_iterator<char, 
std::char_traits<char>>, std::ios_base&, __rw::__rw_iostate&, std::tm*, char, 
char) const".

"/opt/oss/stdcxx/include/loc/_locale.h", line 347:     Where, teminstend: 
Instantiated from non-template code.

2 Error(s) detected.

The code at line 218 of _time_get.cc looks like this:
     if ( !__errtmp && 0 == __sizes [0]

I have tried various things and found that the __errtmp is a scalar, but once 
the ! is applied, it becomes a RWBitVec.  I can only conclude that the compiler 
is doing an unnecessary implicit conversion:  first applying the 
RWBitVec(size_t N) constructor and then the operator!(RWBitVec& ) friend 

If I explicitly convert the operand of the unary ! to a bool first, then all 
compiles nicely.  Is this an appropriate change to make in Apache stdcxx?  Is 
the error a result of a compiler bug?  I changed the half dozen similar errors 
I ran into like so:

     if ( !bool(__errtmp) && 0 == __sizes [0]

Would it be more correct to use (__errtmp == 0) ?  My attempts to create a 
small test case that triggers a similar error have failed.  Only the full 
ansilocale.cpp in the RogueWave tools library has triggered this problem.  I 
can provide a complete patch file for the changes I had to make if that's 

Kendall Bailey

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