If the problem is that somethingAction2 sees row parameter, you have to
send a redirect when calling action2. You can set redirect="true" in the
forward. Request parameters cant be deleted during request life cicle.
When sending a redirect, a new request is generated, so original request
paramenters wont be in the new one.


-----Original Message-----
From: James MacKenzie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Lunes, 05 de Abril de 2004 12:01 p.m.
Subject: Calling one action from another - removing request parameters

Hi All,

I am having a small problem with Struts. If my application calls say 
something1.do?row=10 and the result of this calls another action servlet

ie something2.do with no request parameters, something2Action is still 
able to see request.getParameter("row").

Does anyone know why is this happening and is there a way of fixing it?


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