Quoting David Durham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Kris Schneider wrote:
> > Which may, in fact, be a TC bug. Just tried it on WLS 8.1 SP3 and it 
> > worked
> I don't think it's a bug.
>  > <%@ include file="splitHeader.jspf" %> Body <%@ include 
> file="splitFooter.jspf" %>
> This is a static include -- meaning that the contents splitHeader, body, 
> and splitFooter are all going to end up being part of the same servlet.

Yup, I know it's a static include. Erik already covered the issue about needing
taglib directives in a page that's included via the include action. A key quote
from the spec is:

An include directive regards a resource like a JSP page as a static object; i.e.
the bytes in the JSP page are included. An include action regards a resource
like a JSP page as a dynamic object; i.e. the request is sent to that object
and the result of processing it is included.

My original intent with the example was to show that even if Tim switched to
using the include directive, it wouldn't solve the problem of splitting the
open and close tags of <html-el:html> across the included files. However,
although it failed on TC, it actually worked on WLS.

> The dynamic include, <jsp:include page="foo.jsp"/>, gets compiled into 
> the original JSP's servlet (the one invoking <jsp:include>) as a call to 
> RequestDispatcher.include("foo.jsp").  This means that you are dealing 
> with 2 distinct servlets -- as opposed to it all getting put into the 
> same servlet.  This should explain why you need to TLD's in header.jsp.
> BTW, it seems like you should be using <%@ include %>  or am I missing 
> something?
> - Dave

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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