
I am creating an ajax call for a method which is protected by the
TokenSessionStoreInterceptor. This means I need to pass the token onto
the request.

I was expecting the s:token tag to accept data-foo="bar" attributes
(they'd be passed along to the corresponding hidden elements), but this
is not happening (I'd use this so I could retrieve the inputs with a
simple jquery select .find(":input[data-scope='save'], which retrieves
me all the needed inputs as long as I mark them with that data-scope ).

My 2nd attempt was also unsuccessful - while <s:token
cssClass="someclass"/> doesn't break rendering, the class is not passed
onto the hidden input elements.

Is there a reason for this? While in the case of data-foo this seems to
be a missing feature, in the case of cssClass it's also misleading - you
can set the property, but it doesn't have any consequence.


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