I think I understand what you're saying, a param tag doesn't correspond to any 
directly generated html tag, so its 'value' attribute is special and gets 
evaluated. Whereas other tags, like 'hidden' correspond to html elements that 
actually have a 'value' attribute themselves, so the literal value you pass in 
just gets set straight on the html element.

However, this page 
says the following:

> Since value is not a String, whatever is passed to value is evaluated as an 
> expression - NOT a String literal.
> <s:textfield key="state.label" name="state" value="ca"/>
> If a textfield is passed the value attribute "ca", the framework will look 
> for a property named getCa.

That seems like it's describing the behavior I experience (and you describe) 
for the 'param' tag where the string gets evaluated, and not what I understand 
you to be saying should happen with 'textfield' and other 'input' type tags. I 
actually just tried with 'hidden' and 'textfield' tags and any plain string (no 
%{} or ${}) inside quotes is inserted literally into the html and not 
evaluated. So is the description at the URL given above incorrect? Should it 
only be about the 'value' attribute on the 'param' tag? Are there other tags 
whose 'value' attributes act like 'param'?

-Steven Willis

On 3/4/16, 1:08 PM, "Lukasz Lenart" <lukaszlen...@apache.org> wrote:

>I don't know the exact explanation and reasons why it behaves that
>way, but looking at the code I can say it's by design :)
><s:param/> tag doesn't play alone, you must use it in context of other
>tag so it is natural that its "value" attribute should be evaluated as
>an expression - you can read this as: evaluate expression of "value"
>attribute and assign its result to property of "name" attribute. You
>can call it a "named expression" :)
>Other tags' "value" attribute has the same meaning as value attribute
>of normal html tags (ie. <input/>) - it represent that tag's value.
>You can tell Struts to evaluate "value"'s value by defining an
>expression with %{} or ${} - it forces Struts to treat "value"'s value
>as OGNL expression - it has nothing to do with EL expressions. In that
>context you can treat <s:param/> as manifestation of %{}/${} but
>result of evaluating "value" attribute will be assigned to property
>named by "name" attribute. ${}/%{} is an anonymous though :)
>I hope you will understand, if not ask :)
>2016-03-04 18:30 GMT+01:00 Steven Willis <swil...@cargurus.com>:
>> I was having some issues with how freemarker/struts handles the 'value' 
>> attribute on the 'param' tag. I figured it out and saw that struts will try 
>> to evaluate any string passed in to 'value'. Freemarker had been evaluating 
>> my expressions, sending in the resulting string to struts, and struts was 
>> evaluating it again.
>> After figuring that out, I assumed that other tags, like 'hidden' would 
>> behave the same way with their 'value' attribute, but that doesn't appear to 
>> be the case. It seems like I need to do the following for the 'param' tag:
>>     <@s.param name="foo" value="someProperty"/>
>> But with the hidden tag (or I'm assuming any form-based tag) I have to do:
>>     <@s.hidden name="foo" value=someProperty/>
>> or:
>>     <@s.hidden name="foo" value="${someProperty}"/>
>> Is this the expected behavior? And if so, why the different handling of the 
>> value attribute between the different tags? This page: 
>> https://struts.apache.org/docs/tag-syntax.html#TagSyntax-valueisanObject%21 
>> seems to indicate that all value attributes are evaluated and even gives the 
>> example of a textfield. But the behavior I'm seeing with hidden is that if 
>> you used value="someProperty", you'd get the literal string value: 
>> "someProperty" in the html, not the result of evaluating "someProperty" 
>> against the value stack.
>> Also, the table of parameters for all of the following tags:
>> https://struts.apache.org/docs/hidden.html
>> https://struts.apache.org/docs/textarea.html
>> https://struts.apache.org/docs/textfield.html
>> https://struts.apache.org/docs/param.html
>> Indicate that 'value' is a String field, even on the param page where the 
>> 'Description' section indicates exactly the opposite.
>> Is there a place I could see definitively which attributes are evaluated 
>> against the value stack and which are taken as-is? Or am I just 
>> missing/not-understanding something (very likely)?
>> -Steven Willis
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