Cool, thanks a lot :)

Looks like we have an issue with resolving wildcarded tiles
definitions as by default Struts will try to find tiles*.xml [1],
whereas defining them by hand [2] fallbacks to the old behaviour.

Could you setup a log level to TRACE for the org.apache.struts2.tiles
package and share the results? And feel free to register a bug in


+ 48 606 323 122

2017-04-12 20:57 GMT+02:00  <>:
> I tried 3 different Tomcat versions on Windows 10. Version 6.0.47,
> 7.0.72 and 9.0.0.M13. All Versions had the same behaviour (tiles of
> struts2-showcase- is not working, NoSuchDefinitionException is
> thrown).
> But: It is working fine when I define the config by hand! :)
> Running on Windows 10 seems to require the config by hand - on linux
> it's working without.
> Regards
> Ralph
> Am 2017-04-12 08:27, schrieb Lukasz Lenart:
>> 2017-04-11 16:24 GMT+02:00  <>:
>>> On Linux (Ubuntu 16.4): struts2-tiles-plugin (Version works
>>> fine => same source (same war-file) and same Tomcat-Version
>> Did you try to use a different Tomcat version? Did you try to define
>> configs by hand?
>> <context-param>
>> <param-name>org.apache.tiles.definition.DefinitionsFactory.DEFINITIONS_CONFIG</param-name>
>> <param-value>
>> /WEB-INF/tiles-1.xml,
>> /WEB-INF/tiles-2.xml,
>> /WEB-INF/tiles-3.xml,
>> /WEB-INF/tiles-4.xml
>> </param-value>
>> </context-param>
>> Regards

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