
Welcome back. It's 2005. The time has nearly come for the 
Seventh BOF Struts London Networking.

I think it is time to rename the group for 2005 to support the
relevances of "Faces" technology. This would allow enthusiasts
for standard "JSF", "MyFaces" and "Shale" to join our merry band.
I propose we rename the group to ``Struts & JSF London Networking''. 
Are there any objections?

Can I also start to have to some confirmations on 28 January 2005

BTW: Any suggestions for a venue in central London?
I will set the venue by COB (Close of Business) Monday.

BTW 2:There is also Java Special Interest Group meeting at lunch 12:00-14:00
at Sun's London Educational Offices, the nearest Underground tube is Bank.
I believe it is about Tiget J2SE 5.0 taking place on the same day 28/01/2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pilgrim, Peter 


> I am planning the seventh Birds-of-Feather Struts London Networking
> for Friday 28th January 2005. (NB: This is a prelimanary date, 
> it might change next year! )
>       1) The venue is not yet planned: Central London, West End, 
>       the Docklands? Any suggestions / preference let me know.
>       2) The agenda is not yet planned.
> Let me know who will / wants to definitely attend. All are
> welcome see http://www.strutslondon.com . If you are flying
> into the UK, London and want to attend email offline.


Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

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