Hi! I converted a page from struts to jsf, and I'm running to no end of problems using it.

I previously posted a question about getting LookupDispatchActions to work. Since I received no replies and couldn't figure it out for myself, I made a new action that is specific to this page.

Now the page is nothing special, jsut a lof of text-fields and a submit button. So part of it looks like this:

<s:form action="/event">
<label>Start of Problem</label>
<h:inputText id="problemStart" value="#{equipment.problemStart}"/><br/> <h:commandButton id="submit" type="submit" value="#{messages['button.insertEvent']}" immediate="false"> </h:commandButton>

In the struts-config file, the action maps an anctionform with the name "equipment" to the "/event" action.
Now, the action is executed all right, but the form that is sent to the action is completely empty. Every field is null. Does anyone have any idea why this happens and how to fix it?

Besides, I can't execute any action when I access the page "event.faces". When I enter event.faces into the address bar, the page loads correctly, but the action is not performed. When I enter event.do into the address bar, I land on the event page and the event is executed when the form is submitted.

-- Markus Koivisto

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