Ahem, this signature "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot
make it float on its back" get a lots of sense now ;-)

I believe that it is a bad application design, when clicking browser
Back button breaks the application. Or an innocent page refresh
resubmits a form.

Instead of displaying helpless 500 error, why don't you just pull the
appropriate page from the server, the page which reflects current
application state and that would say something like "We are sorry,
your shopping cart was processed and disposed" or instead of HTML form
gathering credit card number and amount, you would show a plain page
without a form, saying "You credit card was successfully charged".

Is not it more user-friendly? 

On 5/26/05, David Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, one more thing.
>  what I'm really trying to avoid is the user using the "back" button, so
> I've added the following to my pages
>  <% response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache");%>
> <% response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store");%>
> <% response.setDateHeader("Expires",-1);%>
>  Now, when I use the back button, I get the expided page... page. When I
> reload, I get the error 500
>  Should I take a step back here and simply be handling things like that in a
> different way? I want the user to use the "back button" I've provided since
> it cleans appropriate things up, etc... not the back browser button.
>  thoughts?

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