Craig McClanahan wrote:

Is this with JSP by specification or it's a implementation issue? I hope
it's by spec ...

Sorry, my mistake, I wanted to write JSF.

It's not really a JSP issue, but a component issue.  In JavaServer
Faces (or Tapestry), the components themselves maintain the string
version of the submitted value so that it can be redisplayed, and also
know how to do the appropriate conversions.  Thus, in a JSF app, the
data you bind to can be of appropriate native types.

Struts 1.x does not have a user interface component model, so the app
has to do all this work itself.


I think that may be I'm misunderstood or at least I didn't set the question properly. If the Validator works correctly only if I use String types for Form properties, in this case why it's possible at all I to specify them as a type in Struts-Config file? If every time BeanUtils throws this ConversionException, then even population of the forms (BEFORE any validation) doesn't work properly. So even if I don't use the validation, population works only if I specify Strings, thus no need at all the form property types to be customizable at all.


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