Define a scripting variable with the "actionUrl" and use that in your 
<html:link/> like so 

<logic:iterate id="element" name="PATH_ELEMENTS">
<bean:define id="action"><bean:write name="element" 
<html:link action="<%=action%>"><bean:message name="element" 

On 9/14/05, Wojciech Ciesielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am quite new to JSP and struts. So - as I suppose - quite "lame" 
> question
> ;-)
> In order to implement bread crumbs feature I have a collection bean,
> containing simple PathElement objects in request scope. Each PathElement
> contains two attributes:
> - titleKey (for resource key containing path element's title)
> - actionUri (with action to certain place in my app, like
> "/")
> And now I am trying to do something like this on my JSP page:
> <logic:iterate id="element" name="PATH_ELEMENTS">
> <html:link>
> <bean:message name="element" property="titleKey"/>
> </html:link>
> </logic:iterate>
> How can I force <html:link> tag to take action from bean?

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