Yeah, no easy solution for this. The more I think about it the more it
occurs to me that what we're attempting to do is setup a common code
base for updating any N number of forms using Javascript. The plumbing
for this is easy and obvious (I listed it earlier). But making it a
single code base that can be applied to any form is going to be
impossible. We're going to have to have a separate JSP for the popup for
each form. I can't think of a way to make the pop that's being used in
the form dynamic, without burying a great deal of logic in an Action. Or
worse, actually submitting the form (but not submitting it to save), and
then refreshing. So essentially having control logic in the action as to
what kind of submission (as we leave the page and go to the provider
search page) was just performed. I'm thinking this is going to end up
being multiple actions, multiple JSP pages, multiple action entries in


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