[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 11/22/2005 06:13:01 PM:

> On 11/22/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all:
> >
> > I have a situation where Page1 (/worklist.jsp) has a link which when
> > clicked is forwarded to Page2 (/worklist/nextAssignments.jsp). Since I
> > have to do some "prerender" work to display my Page2, I have code in 
> > backing Bean1's prerender() method.
> If you are doing exactly what you describe above, you're doing it wrong. 
> only prerender() method that is called is for the view that will 
actually be
> rendered ... in other words, you should put the code in the prerender()
> method of Page2, not Page1.

Yes. Actually that's how I had it and then later decided to do some code 
"cleanup" and managed to foul it up instead! The horrid part is that I had 
been staring at it for the past hour - and I realised what i was doing 
wrong about three seconds after i hit the "Send"..(:(

> The whole idea is that all the code associated with a particular view 
> be in one class (the backing bean for that JSP page). Otherwise, if you 
> three different pages that all navigated to Page2, then you'd have to
> duplicate the setup logic in three different places.
> Craig

Thank you and sorry again!

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