On 12/5/05, Pilgrim, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are two web application architecture out there co-existing and competing
> 1) Component-Oriented
> 2) Action-Oriented
> If you can bridge these two then you're probably onto a winner, but it is
> very unlikely

Depends on your definition of component. If you can agree with the
following definition...

"A web component can be defined as a stateful server-side object that:
 * handles client events and input data,
 * renders itself according to its state,
 * has a certain lifecycle,
 * can be embedded into a composite portal-like page"

...then components can be easily built on top of existing Struts 1.2.x
codebase. Check out this link (all you need is the first page):
The description of what is happening there is here:

BTW, this approach works really well with coarse-grained AJAX, when
the component's view is [re]rendered using separate request. I prefer
to call this coarse-grained component rendering as Reloadable Page
Fragments (RPF), because they differ from Ajax-only IPU (In-place
updating). The component code for AJAX and non-AJAX is the same.


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