I am trying to compare a variable with a value set in request attribute.
But <logic:notEqual> tag does not accept variable in the "value"
attribute. It has to be a constant.
Does anyone know any alternative?.
Here is my code.
<logic:iterate id="element" name="WebidViewBean" property="iterator"



<td><html-el:select name="dynaHierarchySelectionForm" multiple="true"

size="4" property='level${i+1}' >

<html:option value="All" >Select All</html:option>

<html:options collection="element" property="webId"

labelProperty="webIdDescription" />



<logic:notEqual value="${i+2}" name="levelDepth" scope="request"> 

<html-el:submit property="submit" value="Select Level ${i+2}" />





Sandy Kumar

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