Hello again
On Dec 22, 2005, at 3:27 PM, Priya Saloni wrote:

Hi  Marcelo,

//You solve this issue with a redirtect-after-post hack on the logoff

Thats what iam doing in the following code..


Yep, That's quite odd. I suppose you must be doing some nonstandard processing. I was having throuble with this issue myself. I kindda solved it the way everybody else told you to.

This is as usefull as i can be:

First, debug your HTTP conversations. Use an HTTP Monitor (something like NetBeans' HTTP monitor) or a tool like wget (use it with the -S modifier). Ckeck for the next headers: Pragma, Expires, Client-Date and Date.

Secondly, check for the standard browser configuration. In IEs, Mozillas and operas there are some nasty configurations regarding history and cache. So I'm not sure if there is a complete solution available. Had no time to test most of nonstandard configurations. Last time i checked, Opera still showed the secured pages when going back.

Finally, if you check out the javadoc for RequestProcessor, there is this note:


on class:

NOTE - This header will be overridden automatically if a RequestDispatcher.forward call is ultimately invoked.

I'm not sure what it means but you may take a look.

There were some discusions back on dec 1st or 3rd on this same list regarding this same problem. I think this discussion comes and goes every couple of months or so. Is there already an answer on the archives?. i bet there is. We may be just making more noise than we should.

//This you solve by putting nocache=true in the <controller> element in
//the struts configuration file

here is the code i added into my struts-config.xml file


//Different Actions..


<controller nocache="true">

Iam Still Getting the same problem.In IE i have to hit back button severel times continuously to to the secured pages after logout.But in Firefox its
displaying with Single hit to Back Button.

Thanks For Your time


Hope i helps


Marcelo Morales

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