In my opinion, Eric, this is a bad solution.  There are lots of reasons this
is bad.  Rather than go through them, I would suggest you just add the logic
in / at the point you get the failure form

On 1/7/06, Eric Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If a request for
>    /
> fails (e.g. couldn't find item in database), I'd like to say
>    request.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);
>    request.setAttribute("warning", "Not your lucky day.");
> and forward (not redirect) the request to
>    /
> Can this behavior be accomplishing with Struts? Currently I'm using
> request.getRequestDispatcher(...).forward(...) with a modified
> HttpServletRequest, but there must be a better way (TM)...
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~Dakota Jack~

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