On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 12:36:02PM -0700, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> On 1/23/06, Clint Popetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >         This may be more of a jsp 2.0 question than a html-el tag
> > library question, but here goes.
> If you're using JSP 2.0, you should not be using Struts-EL.
> Use the plain HTML tags and make sure you've configured your webapp
> for Servlet 2.4 so that the container will evaluate the expressions
> prior to passing them into the tags.

I had no idea this was even possible.  Can you point me to a reference
on configuring tomcat 5.5.x do that?  I couldn't find anything in


to configure the Jsp servlet to do that.  Also, for testing I use the
jasper ant task to compile the jsps, and the resulting java is
definitely not pre-evaluating the strings passed into the html: (or
htm-el:) tags.  How do I convince jasper to do that?


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