Hello folks, I got two replies, can someone else offer some more insights on 
this topic?

  It is practical to share the same action form by different
actions, For example (I only listed two actions sharing the same form here,
but the questions apply for multiple actions sharing the same form): 

scope="session" name="sharedForm" validate="false">

scope="request" name="sharedForm" validate="true" input="/View.jsp">

Then the question is:is it a good practice to set up the sharedForm into 
scope(session or request) for different actions, as what was shown in the above 

I believe this is a very good topic for Struts community and especially for 
those developed Struts framework. I appreciate your inputs very much!

P.S. I have discussed this with a small group - company level, and the 
conclusion seems to be:

No, this is not a good practice, since your putting the same shared action form 
will be confusing, and in practice saving the data into two duplicate form 
beans is not efficient and will cause errors.

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