Thomas Thomas ha scritto:
I could just use this :

** tiles-defs.xml **
 <definition name=".base"         page="/layout/base.jsp">

** base.jsp **
<body id="base_body">
   <div id="base_header">
       <[EMAIL PROTECTED] page="incl/header.jsp" %>
   <div id="base_info">
       <jsp:include page="incl/info.jsp.jsp"/>

And use the base.jsp-layout in different pages.
And u see I'm not using <tiles:insert tag ...

I can't see your point, you're using base.jsp as a normal JSP page, not a layout page. Your base.jsp will always render the same. If you use <tiles:insert attribute...> you can fill those attributes with different JSP subpages, reusing base.jsp as a layout page. By the way, are you sure you WANT to use Tiles? Maybe you should try SiteMesh instead, that probably is what you need.


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