2007/11/6, Amit Rana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am trying to get TilesDecorationFilter
> (http://tiles.apache.org/tutorial/advanced/utils.html) to work with
> struts2.0.9 without any success. Can anyone please help me figure out
> where am I going wrong? I am not sure if this is a tiles list question
> or struts?
> Tiles is decorating jsps but not the out put from an action.
> If I access jsp/home.jsp it comes with the layout but home.action
> only prints layout and result of action is not seen anywhere. There
> are no errors. Kindly advice.

I suppose that it is a Tiles issue.
I must admit that the code inside the TilesDecorationFilter does not
convince me... Amit, can you repost this question to the Tiles Users Mailing
list? I think that it is a Tiles bug.


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