James Carr wrote:
Hi All,
I'm using struts 2 for a small web app that has an action attribute
that needs to maintain state. Currently I'm using sessions but I would
like to reconfigure my application to use something besides sessions,
perhaps something like viewState in .NET that would be availble via a
hidden input or get parameter. I'm sure struts 2 has something like
this, but I currently cannot find any good reference online via

I think you should not be so sure. :-)

If you're *really* intent on avoiding sessions and you don't want to just handle the state-management yourself (with hidden fields, url-rewriting, etc.) then you could take a look at WebFlow. It can provide a view-state context and it can do it without relying on a session. It's also a huge learning curve and somewhat tricky to integrate into s2.

- Gary

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