No mistake. AFAIK that's a design flaw of the default action mapper. See:

If there's no match in a package namespace it falls back to the default package and matches a little to generously.

You may be able to avoid it by creating a package with an empty namespace containing no actions. Not sure about that one...

Tauri Valor wrote:

I have the following problem with url in my web application:

I run my app using Struts2 and Tomcat6.

Context name of webapp: MY_WEB

Namespace in my package tag of struts-config.xml:

package name="register" namespace="/register" extends="tiles-default"

Mapping of Action class in my struts-config.xml :

action name= acc.register.RegistrationForm

A Href link in my jsp page:

a href="register/"

Now, the following url works fine when I launch my app:


But the problem is the url when added something between my
packagename(register)and my uri ( like


it still works fine instead of displaying the error page. I need to get an
error page if I give wrong url like the above.

What is my mistake ?

Pls advise.

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