please display 
all jsp
all xml (web.xml,struts.xml,struts-default.xml..and struts-config.xml if 
all source for background Java classes (including all Actions and all 
referenced beans)
which version struts you are using? 
which version dojo you are using?
(your main dojo.js should contain the line: 
dojo.version={major:0,minor:4,patch:3..} version=0.43)

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:39:51 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
> cpanon wrote:
> > What I was able to reproduce was that if I enter the action with an
> > Ajax call, using prototype, and return with
> > mapping.getInputForward(), the session objects do not get updated;
> > even though I update them in the action.  If, however I enter the
> > action with a click off a html:submit button the session objects do
> > get updated and I see the current values on the form.  I never
> > expected that.  Should processing through an action and the updating
> > of the session objects, be the same however the action was called?
> Why would the form on the main page be updated by the results of an Ajax 
> call if the Ajax call processing doesn't do anything with the form?
> Ajax calls happen in the background. *Nothing* on the calling page will 
> be updated unless the Ajax return handler updates it.
> Dave
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