Hi everyone,

following the advise from Francesco I decided to connect to my Sakai LMS 
instance starting from the given scripts at


I'm trying to pull the users from there, so I customized both the Sync and 
Search scripts (because the user info is not in a single table). I run the pull 
task and I can see the running task icon spinning for several minutes 
(Dashboard, control tab); however, when it stops spinning I get no new users 
but a message like this for each user in my core-persistence.log:

18:43:19.304 WARN  
 - Bean validation errors found: 
[ConstraintViolationImpl{rootBean=JPAUser[null], propertyPath='username', 
message='Blank username', leafBean=JPAUser[null], value=null}]

What I find weird, is that I do see that most of the users have username 
attribute (in core-connid.log), like this one:

18:43:13.858 DEBUG Enter: {Uid=Attribute: {Name=__UID__, 
Value=[5165468435165165165165]}, ObjectClass=ObjectClass: __ACCOUNT__, 
Attributes=[Attribute: {Name=lastname, Value=[Register]}, Attribute: 
{Name=username, Value=[a...@123.org]}, Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, 
Value=[a...@123.org]}, Attribute: {Name=firstname, Value=[Scott]}, Attribute: 
{Name=__UID__, Value=[5165468435165165165165]}, Attribute: {Name=email, 
Value=[a...@123.org]}], Name=Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, Value=[a...@123.org]}} 
Method: handle

It should at least load the ones that are correct. Am I right?

Thank you for the help!

Best Regards,
Sergio Muriel

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