
please read my responses inline.

Il 14/11/19 19:26, lfinch ha scritto:
Andrea - we're still working with scim connector.  We are trying to send a
number of attributes, and they are showing up in the propagation task, but
not all are showing up at the external resource.

This is what the external resource receives.

{ userName: 'queenie.arias@hcahealthcare.scrub',
   name: { familyName: 'Arias', givenName: 'Queenie' },
   displayName: 'Queenie B Arias',
   emails: [ { value: 'queenie.arias@hcahealthcare.scrub', type: 'work' } ],
   schemas: [ 'urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0' ] }

It’s missing:
Internal Schema External Attribute

__PASSWORD__    password
Status                  active
RelationshipToOrganization      userType
username                        id
Emailprimary            emails.work.primary scim1114.docx
User_Id                 externalId

I've attached some of the core.log and core-connid.log.  Is there something
else we should be looking for?  Any thoughts on why these values aren't
being received at the external resource?  Thanks!

In order to see details about the propagation task:

1. Set propagation trace level to ALL from resource configuration.
2. Check data sent to the SCIMV1.1 external resource by clicking on "Propagation tasks" from resource toggle menu or directly on user toggle menu (from Realm -> USER section). Click on the propagation task then on propagation task and then on details. Moreover you can also check the outcome logs of the execution (a part of what is logged in core-connid.log file) by clicking on propagation task -> view -> click on execution -> view. 3. Check mapping of the resource and attribute values on Syncope, for example I see from logs


this means that Syncope is sending a null value to the resource.

From the logs I also see that there are errors given by the create method of the SCIMV1.1 connector. Please check if there are other useful logs and start from the task execution.

Sent from: http://syncope-user.1051894.n5.nabble.com/

Dott. Andrea Patricelli
Tel. +39 3204524292

Engineer @ Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale Vittoria Colonna 97 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

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