Hi Steven,

glad to hear this.

Best regards,

Il 28/11/19 16:15, Steven van der Merwe ha scritto:
Hi Andrea

Thank you very much - You are spot on.

It was the fact that it was expecting an array but I was accidentally passing back an array of arrays

It seems that it is all working now and propagating correctly.

Thank you all very much for your help, it is very much appreciated


On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 12:02 PM Andrea Patricelli <andreapatrice...@apache.org <mailto:andreapatrice...@apache.org>> wrote:

    Hi Steven,

    the error that you are experiencing is quite generic. But usually
    means that the key that you passed from Syncope is not matching
    the key of the object that the connector framework retrieved with
    the query method. As "not matching" I mean that the EqualsFilter
    [1] (or EqualsIgnoreCaseFilter [2]) is not accepting the two
    objects passed, i.e. the equals of the two objects in accept
    method returns false.

    Usually this depends on the mapping in Syncope or on the type of
    the key returned by the connector, that is not matching the key
    passed from Syncope.

    Best regards,


    Il 26/11/19 16:19, Steven van der Merwe ha scritto:

    I managed to work out why it was not propagating the __UID__ - It
    turns out I had the config for the "mapping" the wrong way around.

    I have now moved a bit further forward but I am stuck on the

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Object {Uid=Attribute:
    {Name=__UID__, Value=[[db1c50ed-5224-46e7-8bf1-89934c50852c]]},
    ObjectClass=ObjectClass: __GROUP__, Attributes=[Attribute:
    {Name=__NAME__, Value=[KinesisName]}, Attribute: {Name=__UID__,
    Value=[[db1c50ed-5224-46e7-8bf1-89934c50852c]]}, Attribute:
    {Name=realm, Value=[/]}, Attribute: {Name=name, Value=[name]}],
    Name=Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, Value=[KinesisName]}} was
    returned by the connector but failed to pass the framework
    filter. This seems like wrong implementation of the filter in the

    I found someone else on the forums with the same issue and I have
    ensured that all of the attributes are there however it doesnt
    seem to work


    On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 9:01 AM Steven van der Merwe
    <stevevanderme...@gmail.com <mailto:stevevanderme...@gmail.com>>


        I am still a little confused for the following reason. In my
        search method there is no __UID__ anywhere am I missing

        For context my executeQuery looks like this (my log function
        uses recursion to print out all of the values)

        @Override public void executeQuery( final ObjectClass objectClass, final Filter filter, final ResultsHandler handler, final OperationOptions options) { 
PropagationDto propagationDto =new PropagationDto.Builder() .objectClass(objectClass) .query(filter) .options(options) .operation(PropagationDto.Operation.QUERY) 
.build(); sendDetails("executeQuery", propagationDto, true); try { Attribute key = getKeyFromFilter(filter); log("Key = ", key); 
ConnectorObjectBuilder bld =new ConnectorObjectBuilder(); bld.setUid(key.getValue().toString()); bld.setName(key.getName()); ConnectorObject ret = bld.build(); 
handler.handle(ret); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe){ log("Search operation problem :" + uoe.getMessage()); } log("Search parameters: 
ObjectClass -", objectClass); log("Search parameters: Options -", options); log("Search parameters: Results -", handler); log("Search 
parameters: query -", filter); } AttributegetKeyFromFilter(Filter filter) { Attribute key =null; if (filterinstanceof EqualsFilter) { key =((EqualsFilter) 
filter).getAttribute(); if (keyinstanceof Uid) { log("Key is Uid"); } }else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet supported"); } return 
key; }

        And my FilterTranslator like so

        @Override public FilterTranslator<Filter> createFilterTranslator(final ObjectClass objectClass, final 
OperationOptions options) { return new FilterTranslator<Filter>() { @Override public List<Filter> translate(Filter 
filter) {//Just log for now log("Filter ObjectClass -", objectClass); log("Filter options -", options); 
log("Filter filter -", filter); return CollectionUtil.newList(filter); } }; }

        As you can see they dont do much

        Attached are the logs for create and delete (the key is the
        key that I send back from the create not the __UID__)

        Thanks in advance


        On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 11:29 AM Steven van der Merwe
        <mailto:stevevanderme...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Perfect - thank you very much

            I will try


            On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 11:05 AM Francesco Chicchiriccò
            <ilgro...@apache.org <mailto:ilgro...@apache.org>> wrote:

                On 25/11/19 09:47, Steven van der Merwe wrote:
                Hi Francesco

                Thank you very much for your reply - I think you
                have hit on the problem.

                Based on your response I think it is definitely the
                read logic that is the problem since CREATE ->
                Creates, UPDATE -> Creates, DELETE -> NOT_ATTEMPTED.

                My problem is that I do not want to read from the
                downstream source as I want to put deltas
                (UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE) onto a queue. In other words
                I think I want to make the search return  a fake
                "FOUND" on UPDATE and DELETE operations in the
                SEARCH. Is that possible?

                I think you have two options here:

                1. (simpler) make your connector's READ code
                returning an almost empty object - I say "almost"
                because __UID__ and the querying attribute shall be
                anyway populated

                2. (more difficult) provide your own implementation
                of Task Executor (possibly extending
                PriorityPropagationTaskExecutor as indicated in the
                docs) with purpose of skipping READ before (and
                after) CREATE / UPDATE / DELETE.


                On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 9:58 AM Francesco
                Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org
                <mailto:ilgro...@apache.org>> wrote:

                    Hi Steve,
                    first of all, thanks for your words, they're
                    highly appreciated.

                    Coming to your issue below, I believe the
                    problem is either related to your mapping
                    configuration or Connector's READ implementation.
                    Having [1] as background, propagation to an
                    External Resource works as follows:

                    CREATE requested:
                    1. READ
                    2. CREATE (if READ was unsuccessful) or UPDATE
                    (if READ was successful)

                    UPDATE requested:
                    1. READ
                    2. CREATE (if READ was unsuccessful) or UPDATE
                    (if READ was successful)

                    DELETE requested:
                    1. READ
                    2. NOT_ATTEMPTED (if READ was unsuccessful) OR
                    DELETE (if READ was successful)

                    So, it seems your current troubles lie in the
                    last case: when DELETE is requested, the
                    preliminary READ operation does not find any
                    matching object onto the External Resource.
                    This can happen because either (1) the Remote
                    Key value as indicated in the mapping is not
                    enough to uniquely identify an object onto the
                    External Resource or (2) the READ operation
                    implemented by the Connector code is not working
                    as expected.

                    I invite you to carefully examine the
                    core-connid.log content to investigate the
                    actual reason of such behavior.

                    FYI there is some change coming in this area
                    with Syncope 2.1.6 [2]- an addition to the
                    current feature set where matching the remote
                    object can be performed either by Remote Key (as
                    currently) or via Push Correlation Rule [3].



                    On 24/11/19 12:36, Steven van der Merwe wrote:

                    Firstly, thank you very much for a great piece
                    of software.

                    I wonder if any kind soul could help me with an
                    issue I am having (it is probably my
                    understanding that is lacking) and I have been
                    struggling with it for about 4 day now.

                    I have written my own connector to push data
                    from Syncope to a graph database (It is a one
                    way push only). Now the issue I am having is
                    that CREATE works fine and call the appropriate
                    method in my connector and does what is
                    expected however both DELETE and UPDATE are not
                    being called at all. I have created a search
                    method (But I do not have anything to search on
                    the other side), however it does not seem to
                    pass any information to the search.

                    I have set up the following:
                     - Connector (with
                     - Resource on connector (with above selected)
                        - Account policy set
                        - Push policy set (IGNORE conflict
                    resolution set)
                     - I have created a provisioning rule
                        - __GROUP__
                        - Set up mapping with keys etc ()
                        - no object link

                    When I test it does the following:
                    - Create group : works and calls my connector
                    - Delete group : does not call my connector (In
                    the propagation task log it says NOT_ATTEMPTED)
                    -> I have implemented all of the needed methods
                    in my connector I think?

                    Please could someone point me in the right
                    direction as this is driving me crazy


-- Francesco Chicchiriccò

                Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

                Member at The Apache Software Foundation
                Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

-- Steve van der Merwe
            Blog : http://www.stevevandermerwe.co.za
            +27 84 978 3817

-- Steve van der Merwe
        Blog : http://www.stevevandermerwe.co.za
        +27 84 978 3817

-- Steve van der Merwe
    Blog : http://www.stevevandermerwe.co.za
    +27 84 978 3817

-- Dott. Andrea Patricelli
    Tel. +39 3204524292

    Engineer @ Tirasa S.r.l.
    Viale Vittoria Colonna 97 - 65127 Pescara
    Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

    Apache Syncope PMC Member

Steve van der Merwe
Blog : http://www.stevevandermerwe.co.za
+27 84 978 3817

Dott. Andrea Patricelli
Tel. +39 3204524292

Engineer @ Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale Vittoria Colonna 97 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

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