Il 23/07/21 16:58, Adam Levine ha scritto:
Follow up:  I configured my connector, resource, mapping, and pull from the Demo system.

The demo handles the depth of ou only in propagation.

In order to create realms from a pull that respecting the hierarchy, it's necessary that in your pull action you go to set the parent realm. As you can see, this information is not provided to Syncope, which means that all realms are at the same level. How can you do this? You could parse the dn of the ou.


On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 9:40 AM Adam Levine < <>> wrote:

      You said:   To build the tree from an Ldap -> Syncope pull, you
    need to implement a pull action.

       I do have a pull action, which is how the realms are being
    populated from LDAP.  But as you can see they're coming in flat. 
     Maybe I'm not understanding what you're trying to guide me to
    do.  If the JEXL you describe is only for propagation, do I not
    need one for pull?

    Thank you!

    On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 2:26 AM Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro
    < <>>


        Il 22/07/21 20:28, Adam Levine ha scritto:

          Thank you for responding.

          I can create the realms from LDAP -> Syncope.  That's not a
        problem.   It's the multiple hierarchy that doesn't want to
        work, and it could be a limitation.
         Let me show pictures

        Here you can see the tree under people:


        And here's how it appears in Syncope:


         I am guessing that the issue is the 'fullpath' attribute
        having a direct mapping to 'l' instead of a jexl that would
        concat the ou path into a an 'ou/ou/ou' string.

        We used the fullpath attribute to be able to implement a jexl
        function that converts the syncope format to a dn for ldap:
        syncope:fullPath2Dn(fullPath, 'ou') + ',o=isp'
        This function is used only in propagation.

        To build the tree from an Ldap -> Syncope pull, you need to
        implement a pull action.


        Or is there another issue at hand?

         Thank you!

        On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 1:53 AM Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro
        <>> wrote:


            Il 19/07/21 10:36, Adam Levine ha scritto:
            > I'm able to create realms based on a group tree from
            LDAP, thanks to
            > the guidance on other emails and following the demo
            deploy. I do get
            > exceptions when trying to refresh on a pull (have to
            delete the realms
            > manually first).

            What kind of exception?

            > Problem:  The created realms are flat in hierarchy (all
            the same
            > depth), instead of matching the LDAP groups that have
            several depths.
            In order to set a depth for each realm to be created, you
            need to use a
            pull action.
            > Using Apache DS
            > I saw a post that said to reference the demo ldap-orgunit
            > configuration, as it provided the even/odd realm
            trees.  But when I
            > look at the demo, the ldap org only has
            ou=[People|Groups], and it
            > doesn't have any pull/provision tasks attached to it.
            > Am I missing something?  Guidance is greatly appreciated!

            The data in the demo is used for testing. If you want to
            try to create
            an ou on Apache DS from Syncope, please perform the
            following steps:

            1) From Syncope console, go to root realm (/)
            2) Create a new realm where the parent is / and assign
            resource-ldap-orgunit resource
            3) Click Finish

            Now you are able to see a new OU on Apache DS


            >  Thank you!

-- Dott. Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro
            Tel. +39 3939065570

            Tirasa S.r.l.
            Viale Vittoria Colonna, 97 - 65127 Pescara
            Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

            Apache Syncope PMC Member

-- Dott. Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro
        Tel. +39 3939065570

        Tirasa S.r.l.
        Viale Vittoria Colonna, 97 - 65127 Pescara
        Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173  <>

        Apache Syncope PMC Member  

Dott. Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro
Tel. +39 3939065570

Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale Vittoria Colonna, 97 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

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