
On 3/11/14, 4:57 AM, Claude Brisson wrote:
> The session toolbox is always created by default, to let users access
> standard session tools.
> There is a create-session parameter you can use for this purpose, see:

Is it possible to disable all of the session-related tools -- even those
loaded by default? When I switched from the "old" format to the new
tools format, it seems I'm getting a large number of out-of-the-box
tools that I don't necessarily need. If I can disable those that are
destined for the user's session, will the session toolbox disappear as
well? Is it possible to completely-disable the default tools?

> Yes, the problem is org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.Log, which is not
> serializable. It's rather logic, since a logger is basically an output
> stream. But some session standard tools keep a reference on a logger.
> There is a design issue we should adress, here.

It seems reasonable to make the logger transient, and then attempt to
obtain a local logger in readObject(). That shouldn't really affect the
design in general... just the implementation of those tools that require
a logger.


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