Thanks Nathan for the reply.

I worked around this issue by setting up a special loader that had all the (all 
empty but one) velocimacro’s defined, allowing one or more of them to be 
overridden by earlier loaders.

But yeah, it chokes if the velocimacro’s specified don’t exist, not just a 
warning alas.


> On Jan 14, 2015, at 3:10 PM, Nathan Bubna <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 6:59 AM, Erik Hatcher <> wrote:
>> I’m trying to set up a system that has some built-in (to a JAR, class path
>> loader) macros defined (in _macros.vm) and allows the user, in their own
>> file system loader path, to define macros.vm (without underscore prefix) to
>> add their own.
>> I’m trying this:
>>   engine.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.VM_LIBRARY, "_macros.vm,macros.vm”);
>> But I get errors if macros.vm is not found.
> Those errors should effectively just be warnings and not interrupt the
> process. (Disclaimer: i haven't dealt with that stuff in a while)
> Can I make it so that velocimacro.library loaded files are optional, such
>> that if macros.vm isn’t there all works fine?   It’s giving me an error
>> currently.
> No, sorry, no way to mark a file as optional.
>> Also, when given that comma-separated list, are they loaded in that order
>> such that a macro defined in macros.vm can override one in _macros.vm?
> Later definitions should override newer ones by default, i think. But
> again, it's been a while since i worked with macros in this way.
>> Thanks for your help!
>>        Erik
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