
I have an app that is using Velocity with a 2-phase layout render (using
Spring VelocityLayoutView in this case). However, Spring's layout view
effectively restricts you to having just the one "screen_content" area in
the layout. What I wanted to be able to do was have an arbitrary number of
"regions" defined in the view without having to go the whole Tiles route,
which I felt was both a configuration hassle and overkill.

So I found myself writing a new directive (attached) to have layouts
constituted from an arbitrary number of "regions".

What I am wondering is whether I am just being really stupid and there is
already a straightforward way to achieve the desired result using
pre-existing Velocity directives/tools? The #define directive didn't quite
cut it here: because render is deferred until reference, the layout
decorator cannot reference context properties established within the
regions themselves (in my use case: allowing regions to define scripts and
stylesheets that are then added to head/end-of-body in the layout

If this isn't possible with existing Velocity tools/directives then the
attached might be useful to other people and/or as an addition to Velocity?


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