It would be great to get an answer to this.

It seems as though the main xfire devs have abandoned this project for CXF making much needed improvments and fixes there and not here.


Connor Sadler wrote:

We have metadata in our app which allows the user to define entities [e.g.
Person] and associated methods [e.g. addPerson(Person) ].
I've done some work with XFire and have managed to expose "dynamic" web
services which generate WSDL from our metadata and can call our methods
(rather than calling a java.lang.Method). I can even create my own dynamic
types, all of which is really great.

Having just discovered this forum, I notice you're working on "CXF" and I'm
concerned the XFire work I've done will be wasted.
Can you confirm whether XFire is old news and if I should actually be using
We're looking to deploy in a couple of months.

Thanks in advance for any info,

Connor Sadler
Orchard Information Systems

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