I've been having some trouble with SOAP headers in the response back
from the web service. 

A bit of background:

I do wsdl-first development, starting with a hand-written wsdl, using
the wsgen ant task within maven to generate my classes and service
interfaces via JAXB2 bindings. I've done quite a bit of service
development using this particular style with a high degree of success.
The service I am developing currently requires that certain headers be
present in both the request and response, for compliance purposes, and
here is where I begin to run into problems. 

The SOAP request has the appropriate headers, with appropriate content.
No problems here. However, (using XFire 1.2.4), the SOAP headers would
be present in the response, but would not have any content. I did some
research and discovered the Holder class. I did a bit of tinkering, but
nothing would work. After some more research, I found out that XFire
1.2.5 might solve the issue and so I changed all references in my POMs
from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5. 

Now, I get ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exceptions in the
ServiceInvocationHandler class, in the fillInHolders() method. It
complains about an index of 3, which seems to make sense, since I only
have 3 headers, so index 3 would be out of bounds. I'm wondering why
it's attempting to fill in a 4th Holder. 

I put some debugging statements in to my service implementation code,
and noticed that those statements were never executed. Hope this
information helps.
Any insight, advice or information would be greatly appreciated.

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