Hi there...

I think this is my ... message concerning the same error : Prefix cannot be 
null when creating QName, and no answer from your side. After debugging the 
code I found that this exception is thrown in the XFire ReadHeadersHandler 
class and exactly in the method invoke:

public void invoke(MessageContext context)

throws Exception


InMessage message = context.getInMessage();


switch (event)


case XMLStreamReader.START_DOCUMENT:

String encoding = reader.getCharacterEncodingScheme();



case XMLStreamReader.END_DOCUMENT:

end = true;


case XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT:


case XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT:

if (reader.getLocalName().equals("Header"))




else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("Body"))


readNamespaces(reader, namespaces);

event = reader.nextTag();

checkForFault(context, message, reader);



else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("Envelope"))


readNamespaces(reader, namespaces);


if (message.getSoapVersion() == null)



When I got in the first time, i got forwarded in the switch loop to Envelope 
part, the second time i got the BODY part and inside it, the call for the method

private void readNamespaces(XMLStreamReader reader, Map namespaces){

for (int i = 0; i < reader.getNamespaceCount(); i++){

String prefix = reader.getNamespacePrefix(i);

if (prefix == null) prefix = "";





 the reader.getNamesapceCount() returns 0, the returning to the switch loop, we 
check forFault, which throw the Exception.

Now does anyone knows what this exception is related to, and what do i have to 
see in the body part of the of the received message.

Please any idea will be appreciated

Thank you

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