hi steve,

you are using different concepts here.

#1 @PageBean is just needed for enabling request-lifecycle callbacks like
methods annotated with @PreRenderView (otherwise you don't need it)
#2 (if needed) you can also do it the other way round (you can point from
your bean to the view-config - see e.g. [1])
#3 you should never reference different page-beans for creating a menu - you
can use e.g. a special bean for it (see e.g. [2])




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2011/10/16 Steven Rudolf <steven.rud...@web.de>

> Hello @all,
> I have another question concerning the typesafe navigation of CODI.
> I define my "view configuration" in several Pages-classes:
>    @Page(navigation = Page.NavigationMode.REDIRECT)
>    public interface Pages extends ViewConfig
>    {
>        @Page
>        @UseCaseName("A")
>        @PageBean(UseCaseBeanA.class)
>        public class UseCaseA implements Pages {}
>        // .. some more pages
>    }
> If I want to use this typesafe navigation in my view I have the problem,
> that these configuration classes are not resolvable by the EL. So for every
> PageBean I can implement a getPage-method in the PageBeans like this:
>    @Named
>    @ViewAccessScoped
>    public class UseCaseBeanA
>    {
>        protected Class<? extends Pages> getPage()
>        {
>            return Pages.UseCaseA.class;
>        }
>        // .. some more logic
>    }
> Now I can use it as an outcome for buttons:
> <h:button value="Use Case A" outcome="#{useCaseBeanA.page}" />
> So I have two problems:
> 1.) I think this design is error prone because of its duplicate
> configuration: In the ViewConfig I define the @PageBean for a @Page and in
> the getPage-method of the PageBean I define the Page for itself.
> 2.) If I want to link to another page (via h:link or h:button), I have to
> do it like I described before. If I do so, the Bean for the linked use case
> will be instantiated immediately on the page which links to it. For one or
> two pages it would be no problem but if I want to do it in the menu of my
> application every use case bean will be initialized directly on the first
> page (and the viewAccess-beans or conversation-beans will never be cleaned
> up because the menu have a reference to them everytime).
> So is there an approach where I can use the ViewConfig directly in the
> links or buttons in views?
> Sincerely,
> Steve

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