Hello All,

I am facing an issue with the css styling of the trnidad components.

I have written a skin file lets deskapp.css which has some component & ui
pages styling.
*I wanted a functionality in which an author of the page can choose to use
style from the app skin file or override the style by his/her own css file
loaded in the page.*
    <tr:commandLink id="cancel" text="#{appstrings.cancelBtnLbl}"
styleClass="*anchorlinks*" action="#{baseBacking.cancel}"
              onclick="return cancelClicked();"/>
Author of the page has defined the styleClass "anchorLinks" in the page but
it is observed that the Trnidiad rendering module overrides the anchorlinks
style with the style defined in the deskapp.css skin file.

On observing the html (also from firebug) the class rendered is "anchorlinks
           <a id="cancel" name="cancel" class="*anchorlinks OraLink*" href="
# <view-source:https://bapha01-ac1.ca.com:8443/JCAP/faces/controller?RID=1#>

trinidad version: 2.0.0
myfaces version: 2.1.0

*Please guide me how this can be achieved.*


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