Hy Georg,

You will nee to overwrite the JSF Version which ships with WAS 6.1 - i
think it is IBM's implementation of JSF 1.1 - no myfaces here.
- Add a current myfaces version to the war's classpath.
- In your EAR File you will need to set the class load to PARENT_LAST (To
do that open the application.xml with RAD and go the the Deployment Tab.
here in the Application section select the EAR an set classloader mode to
PRENT_LAST. Then click on the war file and do the same.)

Let me know if that helped,


On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Georg Füchsle <giofy...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hallo!
> To recognize the user’s browser version I examine the HttpHeader in a
> request scoped managed bean:
>        FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
>        ExternalContext extctx = ctx.getExternalContext();
>        Map<String, String[]> map = extctx.getRequestHeaderValuesMap();
>        String arBrowser = map.get("User-Agent");
>        String headBrowser = arBrowser[0];
>        ....
> This works well on WAS7 and JBoss.
> But on WAS6.1 the map returns empty and then I get a ClassCastException:
>        java.util.Vector$1 incompatible with [Ljava.lang.String;]
> On the other AppServers the headBrowser returns the right value to
> recognize the user’s browser.
> I don’t know the reason why WAS6 behaves different. The differences I know
> are:
> 1.      WAS6.1 uses a (to me unknown) jsf-Version shipped with WAS6.1; the
> other AppServers use jsf 1.2_15b02
> 2.      WAS6.1 runs with java 1.5; WAS7 and JBoss6 run with java 1.6
> Can anyone tell me the reason why there are differences and can anyone
> help me to make this function run also on WAS6.1?
> Thanks,
> Georg

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