On 06/17/2010 12:55 PM, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
Jason Oster wrote:
It seems it can't connect because Postgres is throwing its own FATAL
error (database "sogo/sogo_user_profiles" does not exist).

Does the "sogo" database exist? Can you connect to it using psql and the
same username/password/host information found in your .GNUstepDefaults ?

If so, try to create the table manually and see if it does work after.
If so, it's a bug.

I change the password that SOGo uses to connect to the DB, and restart SOGo, the postgres log shows:

2010-06-17 13:10:23 MST FATAL: password authentication failed for user "sogo"

The password is ok.

# sudo -u postgres psql -d sogo -U sogo
Password for user sogo:
psql (8.4.4)
Type "help" for help.

sogo=> \dt
No relations found.

What's the table schema so I can create it manually?

<<attachment: jason_oster.vcf>>


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