
You’re quick, I haven’t even made the full release yet 😊
Yes the table will be created by sogo itself, no need to do it manually.
If you use another collation than utf8mb4 (for example utf8mb4_unicode_ci) you 
may have to change it manually, though.



From: users-requ...@sogo.nu <users-requ...@sogo.nu> On Behalf Of Pavel 
Sent: mercredi 21 février 2024 15:34
To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: [SOGo] sogo_admin table in 5.10


Hi to all, it's nice to hear what ver. 5.10 was released recently. Some new 
parameters was introduced - OCSAdminURL  and SOGoSuperUsernames .

In OCSAdminURL we need to set up a 'sogo_admin' table. Before start upgrade, I 
did a SQL query about tables in sogo db

$ psql -U vmailadmin -d sogo

psql (12.17 (Ubuntu 12.17-0ubuntu0.20.04.1))

Type "help" for help.


sogo=> \dt

                List of relations

 Schema |          Name          | Type  | Owner


 public | sogo_acl               | table | sogo

 public | sogo_alarms_folder     | table | sogo

 public | sogo_cache_folder      | table | sogo

 public | sogo_folder_info       | table | sogo

 public | sogo_quick_appointment | table | sogo

 public | sogo_quick_contact     | table | sogo

 public | sogo_sessions_folder   | table | sogo

 public | sogo_store             | table | sogo

 public | sogo_user_profile      | table | sogo

(9 rows)



There is no 'sogo_admin' at this moment in 5.9.1 (nightly January build) . Does 
this table will be created during upgrade process, or I should create it 
before/after upgrade?


WBR, Pavel Zhe

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