
On expiry of a (AMQP) message, some extra properties are added, which together 
with some application properties result in the table below, taken from screen 
"Browse Queue".
The values from the "extraProperties" group of properties are all strings, 
which is unexpected for at least _AMQ_ACTUAL_EXPIRY, for which a number is 
I noticed this because I'm working on a PR which annotates the 3 timestamp 
values with a readable form of that timestamp.

In a quick code search, I could not find whether the conversion to a string was 
intentional or accidental.
Does anyone have a clue or pointer?


key                                       value
extraProperties._AMQ_ACTUAL_EXPIRY        1636758226343
extraProperties._AMQ_AD                   ExpiryQueue
extraProperties._AMQ_ORIG_ADDRESS         a1
extraProperties._AMQ_ORIG_MESSAGE_ID      139
extraProperties._AMQ_ORIG_QUEUE           q1
messageAnnotations.one                    1
messageAnnotations.two                    2
messageAnnotations.x-opt-ACTUAL-EXPIRY    1636758226343
messageAnnotations.x-opt-ORIG-ADDRESS     a1
messageAnnotations.x-opt-ORIG-MESSAGE-ID  139
messageAnnotations.x-opt-ORIG-QUEUE       q1
properties.creationTime                   1636758165408

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