We use the API operation "listNetworkTopology()" to get this information.
This is also the function that is used by the Broker Diagram.

-----Original Message-----
From: Modanese, Riccardo <riccardo.modan...@eurotech.com.INVALID> 
Sent: donderdag 4 mei 2023 11:25
To: users@activemq.apache.org
Subject: Artemis - how to detect when a node is joined to the cluster

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     I'm clustering Artemis (2.28.0) using the static configuration.
>From my tests the cluster seems to work fine but I didn't find a way to 
>understand when a node is part of the cluster.
Looking at the standard metrics I see these 2 metrics:

  *   artemis_total_connection_count
  *   artemis_connection_count

but there is no way to understand to which connector are established

I need it because, before adding the node to the list of nodes addressable by 
the load balancer, I would to be sure the node is part of the cluster otherwise 
some message could be lost.

In my test  I created a cluster and connected few clients to the different 
nodes then I killed one node, restarted the same node and reconnected the 
disconnected clients to this node.
Each client has its own exclusive queue and publishes messages to random queues 
that belongs to other clients also.
So, if the reconnected clients to the freshly restarted node started publishing 
messages soon after the reconnection few messages (the firsts) addressed to 
clients connected to other nodes are lost.
So I'm suspecting the broker starts to accept connections and messages from 
clients before being part of the cluster and I'd like to avoid it by adding the 
properly logics to the load balancer.

Any suggestion is welcome!

Thanks in advance.


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