On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Alex Boisvert <boisv...@intalio.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Martin Grotzke <
> martin.grot...@javakaffee.de> wrote:
> > I needed to wrap the ant project with the generate = task ..., as
> > otherwise (with just generate = ant('generate') do |ant| ...) the ant
> > project was directly executed (AFAICS with the loading of the buildfile)
> > and buildr complained with:
> >  Buildr aborted!
> >  Don't know how to build task 'Antwrap::AntProject[generate]'
> Ooops. I forgot ant() didn't yeld a task; it executes right away.
> Do you think the stuff above is ok, so that we could push this to the
> > buildr howtos (wiki)? Or is there still room for improvement?
> I think the main improvement would be in wiring dependencies so the task
> only executes when needed.
> Here's a revised version,
> define "generate-sources-example" do
>  # whatever you use to generate your sources
>   sources = Dir[_("src/main/yak") + "/**/*.yk"]

sources = FileList[_("src/main/yak/**/*.yk")]

FileList, provided by Rake, is a better Dir. Also there's generally no need
to decompose and recompose paths.

>  generate = file(path_to(:target, "generated-source") => sources) do |dir|

likewise, file(_("target/generated-source")=>sources)


>    mkdir_p dir.to_s # ensure directory is created
>    # generate sources
>    # e.g.
>    # ant('generate') do |ant|
>    #  ...
>    # end
>  end
>  compile.from generate
> end
> I'm having issues creating the page in the wiki right now (confluence fails
> on me).  I'll create it when possible.
> alex

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