Hi guys,

we have trouble here with one computer running Windows 7 64 bit.

Buildr installs fine on top of JRuby but it crashes with this message:
stat.st_dev unsupported on this platform

That sounded like a JRuby problem, so I asked the IRC channel there. I was
told this would not be working on 64 bit archs.

This problem arises when moving files, here, with that monkey patching:
# Fix for BUILDR-292.
  # JRuby fails to rename a file on different devices
  # this monkey-patch wont be needed when JRUBY-3381 gets resolved.
  module FileUtils #:nodoc:
    alias_method :__mv_native, :mv

    def mv(from, to, options = nil)
      dir_to = File.directory?(to) ? to : File.dirname(to)
      Array(from).each do |from|
        dir_from = File.dirname(from)
        if File.stat(dir_from).dev != File.stat(dir_to).dev
          cp from, to, options
          rm from, options
          __mv_native from, to, options
    private :mv

I see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-3381 is still opened. I don't
understand the last comment by Charles Oliver Nutter.

What would be the right approach now ? Ask for a 64 bit distrib of JRuby ?
Try to catch the error and work around it ?

I suggested the user tried Cygwin for now but I would feel better with
something less clunky.
Any help is much welcome.



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