Any plans on making the distribution available in the site? Maybe using --fast to run jruby and jrubyc to precompile all ruby files?


Alex Boisvert wrote:

I've created an experimental distribution of Buildr 1.3.5 and JRuby 1.4.0
and made it available at:

The distro is 15M -- not too bad.  I've trimmed the packaged JRuby of
everything I could that didn't affect functionality, such as documentation
and Ruby 1.9 support.

To use it, simply
   1) unzip in a directory,
   2) set your PATH to point to the "bin" directory, and
   3) run "buildr" as usual.

Looking for feedback on how it works as a quick way to get yourself/other
people started.  If there's enough interest, it could become part of our
supported distros.


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