Yes, this is the expected behavior, the pipe will always stop at the first serializer, or before if there is an error, no matter what's after it. I just left the second transform because i always use this technique to debug my pipes : moving a serialize type="xml" line to differents places in the pipe to figure the guilty transform.

So in your case, .if the following give no error

 <map:generate type="file" src="content/showsyscontainer.xml"/>
 <map:transform type="bdbxml"/>
 <map:serialize type="xml"/>

It just means your bdbxml class is ok.
So you can look for the pb in containerslist.xsl


Antony Grinyer a écrit :

Thanks for the idea Mark - I tried this and it just displays the XML? Seems it's stopping at the  <map:serialize 
type="xml"/> and not moving onto <map:transform type="xslt" 


-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Salvetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 03 August 2005 06:26 pm
Subject: Re: XSLT transformation

You can just try the following pipe

<map:match pattern="listcontainers">
 <map:generate type="file" src="content/showsyscontainer.xml"/>
 <map:transform type="bdbxml"/>
 <map:serialize type="xml"/>
 <map:transform type="xslt" src="style/xsl/containerslist.xsl"/>
 <map:serialize type="html"/>

if you get the same error, the pb is in the java class, if not, it's in the stylesheet :)


Antony Grinyer a écrit :


A have a simple sitemap entry as below:

<map:match pattern="listcontainers">
<map:generate type="file" src="content/showsyscontainer.xml"/>
<map:transform type="bdbxml"/>
<map:transform type="xslt" src="style/xsl/containerslist.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>

The generator is a simple XML file which is passed to a java class transformer ( referenced as type="bdbxml") which returns XML results. This all works fine if I use <map:serialize type="xml"/> to simply output the XML, however if I try to transform the XML output
with the
XSLT transformer above I get an error:

Error executing pipeline.

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Error executing pipeline.: java.lang.RuntimeException
I know the XSLT containerslist.xsl is correct as I've tried
it against
some sample output XML in XMLSpy, but it appears that when I
add this
XSLT transformer I get a Processing Exception?

In the sitemap.log it is reported as:

Unable to get parser: java.lang.RuntimeException:

Any ideas please? (for a Cocoon newbie) Thx in advance, Ant

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