Thanks for the great work christophe, it's a really interesting solution.
As many, i done something myself as an exercise that you may use.
I designed a very small webapp with a few basic and probably reusable features like gui for user/group managment and gui for catalogues/messages managment, separation between sitemaps (general, data, backoffice) and a styling pattern that uses extensively css to separate design from logical structure. I think my solution for crud is far from good, but maybe you'd be interesting in seeing the code and maybe taking a few ideas ?


Jean-Christophe Kermagoret a écrit :


For those who are interested, I uploaded a few documentation in the wiki about the E-CRUD Design Pattern.

It is available from the Wiki Cocoon Frontpage in :

or directly in :

There might be some interesting code and documentation (I hope :-)

Your discussion is welcome, and, I will say more, awaited with great enthousiasm :-)

It's a work in progress. If you have any question, or any remark or addition, don't hesitate to tell me, I will (or You may) correct it immediately.


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