Hi Andre,

Monday, May 5, 2008, 8:52:30 PM, you wrote:

AJ>      <dependency>
AJ>        <groupId>org.apache.cocoon</groupId>
AJ>        <artifactId>cocoon-pipeline-components</artifactId>
AJ>        <version>1.0.0</version>
AJ>      </dependency>

I don't think that cocoon-pipeline-components 1.0.0 is already
released officially. The 1.0.0 POMs appeared a few weeks ago, but I
couldn't get them to work and the site didn't mention the release at

So stick with the RC2 version and resolve your other dependency woes.
I don't think that the NoSuchClassException disappeared. It appeared
another Exception before the point it was thrown, or?

This might be useful:

Good Luck!


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