I deluded myself, this doesn't work :( . I think I am going to have to load the form on final submission.
I am using 2.1.11 and I would like the fi:validation-errors to work.

As such, I thought if I wrap the fi:validation-errors in a div and then wrap that div with a bu:replace. Like so:

     <bu:replace id="brand.errors">
       <div id="brand.errors">
         <jx:if test="${cocoon.request.getAttribute('statusMsg')}">
           <div class="validation-error-box">
<jx:out value="${cocoon.request.getAttribute('statusMsg')}" />
         <jx:if test="${cocoon.request.getAttribute('errorMsg')}">
           <div class="validation-error-box">
<jx:out value="${cocoon.request.getAttribute('errorMsg')}" />
         <fi:validation-errors />
         <b> </b>

Now, this works in 2.2, but it doesn't seem to work in 2.1.11. Any thoughts?


Kamal Bhatt

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